
Borax Europe: The Partner You Can Trust

:: Thursday, January 4, 2024 :: Posted By Javier Jusué de Olives

Choosing a raw materials partner is a critical decision. Many producers are so concerned with price, they overlook key factors that result in significant time and money savings.

What are the most important considerations?

The best partners should offer you high-quality:

  • Service
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency

What you can expect from Borax Europe as a partner?

Europe is diverse and requires in-depth knowledge of regional regulations and business practices. Diversity is a defining characteristic of U.S. Borax operations in Europe. Through subsidiary companies Borax Français and Borax España, we operate three sites and a commercial office collectively known as Borax Europe.

On the sales team alone, we have seven different nationalities represented, and each team member is fluent in multiple languages. This unlocks better customer experiences as we understand local business customs and culture. We also don’t require translators—which can add costs and barriers to conversations.

Responsive and flexible

The team’s extensive industry experience enables us to be responsive and flexible.

For example, say your production schedule changes abruptly and you need borates quickly. Because we have a reliable supply, you don’t have to worry about receiving material. Our teams will work to fulfil your requests.

As the business relationship grows, our team applies past knowledge to anticipate future demand.

One step ahead

Supply chains, regulations, and sustainability requirements are constantly evolving. It’s our mission to stay ahead of changes and ensure you’re prepared and positioned for success.

Compared to competitors, we can share more detailed sustainability metrics on key areas such as carbon footprint.

Tour U.S. Borax Europe operations

To provide unparalleled support and service, we recognized early that we needed to build a strong, multi-modal network. This strategically placed network provides tailored, flexible, and efficient service to producers across Europe.

Three main sites comprise Borax Europe’s portfolio: Rotterdam, Nules, and Coudekerque.


Since 1962, Rotterdam has served as an important operational hub for Borax Europe operations. This site has the distinct advantage of direct access to transportation networks. Rotterdam also boasts impressive storage capacity with onsite siloes that can hold up to 70,000 tons of product.

The team at Rotterdam is innovative in finding better ways to accommodate customer needs. From specialized packaging configurations to containers that expedite transit, we can customize deliveries to meet your exact specifications.

Read more about our Rotterdam operations


Borax España, located in Nules, is known for the compaction and distribution of Granubor®, a granular boron product that can be used for standalone application or incorporated into fertilizer blends.

Nules supplies Granubor across Europe, and into North and West Africa. As awareness increases for boron—an essential micronutrient that can help growers become more productive—Nules will continue to support with fast shipments.

Read more about our Nules operations


This site is where we take refined borates from California and purify them further, resulting in specialty products. Coudekerque holds several globally recognized standards such as GMP and CEP. It is also ISO certified.

By following stringent quality standards, we make products that are suitable for specialized industries such as pharmaceuticals and nuclear energy. Recently, Coudekerque released a new battery-grade boric acid called Optibor® BQ, which satisfies the higher purity demands for this growing industry.

Read more about our Coudekerque operations

Here now, ready for the future

Again, upfront price isn’t everything. A partner with the right team and reliable supply chain ensures your production keeps running smooth.

Regulations, rising energy costs, and increased ESG demands make finding the right partner and diversifying your supply chain even more important.

If you would like more information about how our European operations can supply your business, please contact our sales team.



U.S. Borax, part of Rio Tinto, is a global leader in the supply and science of borates—naturally-occurring minerals containing boron and other elements. We are 1,000 people serving 650 customers with more than 1,800 delivery locations globally. We supply around 30% of the world’s need for refined borates from our world-class mine in Boron, California, about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles.  Learn more about Rio Tinto.

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