ISO certification
Coudekerque plant has been certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14 001 certified for many years now (2015 versions currently in force), reflecting its commitment for quality and environment management effectiveness. Regarding health and safety, Rio Tinto has developed its own certification process and follow-up, that includes strict internal standards and local regulations, upon which Borax Français is assessed with regular audits.
Pharmaceutical industry
Certificate of Suitability (CEP) certification
Our European Pharmacopoeia products are filed with the European Directorate for Quality of Medicines and Health Care. Our CEP certifications (certification of Suitability to the Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia) allow our customers to easily administer their Marketing Authorization Applications (MAA) for the medicines that they produce. Access to the Borax Français dossier via the CEP and MAA system provides customers with cost management and control.
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification
Our entire process including manufacturing, laboratory, packaging, storage, and distribution is documented to comply with GMP guidelines. Borax Français has been inspected by the French authorities since 2007. Our certificate number is: 15MPP081HF01.
Nuclear industry
Nuclear applications also require a specific accreditation process which Borax Français has passed since 2005. For the US market, we are periodically assessed by the Nuclear Procurement Issues Corporation (NUPIC).